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Imagine if the porch lights out front turned themselves on when your pizza delivery was arriving.

Imagine if Alexa could talk to your google calendar.

Imagine if your vacuum and dishwasher turned themselves on after you left in an uber for a night out

Imagine your apps and devices work together in new ways…

Its all possible with IFTTT

IFTTT provides a way to get all your apps and devices talking to each other. Not everything on the internet plays nice, so IFTTT is on a mission to build a more connected world. This happen by using something called an ‘Applet’. Applets connect two or more services together and help you do something that you couldn’t do with just one service alone. Applets are composed of triggers and actions. Triggers tell an Applet to start, and actions are the end result of an Applet run. IFTTT stands for “If This Then That,” where “This” represents a primary app and “That” represents a secondary connected app. When an action takes place on the primary app, the secondary connected app is automatically triggered to also take some sort of action.

IFTTT has a vast library of existing applets created by other users you can use with your own apps. You can see the full list of apps IFTTT supports here. In addition to popular web apps, IFTTT can also connect to certain smart appliances from GE, Samsung, LG, and other brands.

IFTTT is free to use and only requires an email address, a password, and a username to sign up for an account. You can do this online at or by downloading IFTTT for iOS or Android devices.

Using IFTTT is as simple as thinking of all app and gadget tasks you perform on a daily basis and asking yourself which ones would be so much more convenient to automate. Then all you have to do is make sure those apps and/or gadgets are supported by IFTTT by searching for them. Let’s say you don’t always remember to check the weather forecast and want to be better prepared when it rains. You could use IFTTT to automatically send you an email if the weather forecast predicts rain for the next day.

ALL small business owners understand the feeling of not having enough time to get stuff done for their business. Taking care of the social media account, dealing with finances, answering emails and all of that is just the administrative part of the business. IFTTT allows you to automate routine, tedious and time consuming tasks and in return,  you get more time to focus on more important aspects of your business. For example: Connecting your email and a spreadsheet to automatically track any emails with purchase receipts in a Google spreadsheet.

Smart right?

If you are managing your social media yourself, use IFTTT Applets for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more. You’ll be able to save and organize your social media posts, schedule future posts and even setup alerts when your company is mentioned.

Here’s some Social Media automations:

Tweet your Instagrams as native photos on Twitter

Automatically change your Twitter profile picture when you update your Facebook photo

Say thanks to a Twitter follower for following you 

Another marketing task that requires a large time investment is email marketing. But with these IFTTT email marketing Applets, you can let IFTTT take care of tracking email metrics, email subscriber lists, managing your email campaign schedule and more!

Add scheduled MailChimp campaigns to Google Calendar

Save new MailChimp subscribers to a SurveyMonkey List 

These are just a few Ideas

From social media to marketing, blogging, productivity or even finances, Applets can really make things hum at the office. If you need help, the Jackal team can help you find and create IFTTT Applets to work into your daily workflow. We’d LOVE to hear from you! | 760.404.0759